What is Ring Ring?

What is Ring Ring?

Welcome to “Ring Ring” – tales from the IT Jungle. In these series of posts, you’ll get a glimpse into the actual conversations between clients, “wannabe” clients, prospective employees, and more. Names and company names have been...
Forgotten Password

Forgotten Password

Ring! Ring!   Me: I.T. Department, this is Daniel.  How can I help you?  Caller:  I can’t log into my computer.  Me: OK.  How can I help you?  Caller: Help me log into my computer!  Me: OK.   Let’s back up a couple of steps.  I’m Daniel.  Who are you?  Caller:...
Unrealistic Expectations

Unrealistic Expectations

Ring! Ring!   Me: I.T. Department, this is Daniel.  Caller: Hello, Daniel?    Me: Yes, this is Daniel.  How can I help you?  Caller: Hi, Daniel.  This is Melanie with <Large National Services Provider>  Me: Good morning, Melanie.  Melanie: Oh. Good...
Free Support

Free Support

Ring! Ring!   Me: I.T. Department, this is Daniel.    Caller: Hi, Daniel.  This is Kevin. Have you got a minute to help with a small issue?  Me: Sure, Kevin. I have a few minutes.  But I DO have a webinar in about 10 minutes.  Kevin: Great!  I’m trying to upgrade...