Forgotten Password

30 March 2021

Caucasian hand holding a smartphone with text on it against a black background. Backlit text that says "ring ring" is on the left. The title of the blog is on the bottom.

Ring! Ring!


Me: I.T. Department, this is Daniel.  How can I help you? 

Caller:  I can’t log into my computer. 

Me: OK.  How can I help you? 

Caller: Help me log into my computer! 

Me: OK.   Let’s back up a couple of steps.  I’m Daniel.  Who are you? 

Caller: I’m Karen.  I work for Acme Co.   (Names changed to protect the caller.) 

Me: Uhm.  Hello, Karen.  Acme Co. has not been a client of mine for over a year.  I do not know what your password is.  And I no longer have access to the backend to change your password for you. 

Karen:  Oh.   Can you TRY to help me? 

Me: Unfortunately, Karen, I can not, unless you are the person in charge, there and can sign off on an invoice for assisting you.  It’s not about the money.  It’s about the liability.  Literally, this could be called ‘hacking’ and it illegal. 

Karen: Oh.   I did not know that.   But I need to log in so I can finish an e-mail. 

Me: Did you change the password, earlier in the day, or something? 

Karen: Yes.  I had to.  My system told me the password was old and had to be replaced. 

Me: Did you modify, add onto the former password or just completely replace it? 

Karen: I added to it.  But I don’t remember what I added. 

Me: OK.  Often times, the add on is either numerical or an emotional add on.  Think about what you were doing and had going through your mind, when you changed the password. 

Karen: OK.   Let me try …  


Karen:  YES!  I’m in!   Thank you!  You are so sweet to help. 

Me: I’m glad I could help, Karen.  Anything else I can do for you? 

Karen: No.  You got me in, and I’m making a note of it, for tomorrow morning.  I know I will forget before then. 

Me: I understand.  Just make sure that the note you put the password on, is at least random information and NOT labeled as a pair or password. 

Karen: Why? 

Me: Because if you lose or misplace that note, whoever finds it wont know what that password is for, or if it even IS a password. 

Karen: Oh.  I see.   OK.  Thanks.  And I will be sure to let everyone know you are still helping us. 

Me: OK.  That’s nice of you.  If you don’t need anything else, I have a project I need to get back to. 

Karen: I do, too!  Thank you so much.  Have nice day. 

Me: You, too.  <click> 


Lesson Learned

Cyber security involves keeping passwords secure. In a workplace environment, this can mean having to change your password every so often to stay compliant with security protocols. Rather than use the same password every time, pick an every day object that will remind you of what your password is but no one else. I once used the word “biscotti” as a password because it was a lovely treat the day I was setting up a website for a colleague. Write it down if you must, but store it in a place away from where you login to maintain a secure work environment.

Written By Daniel Curry

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