Small Business Industries

Indy’s I.T. Dept. specializes in business-to-business (b2b) managed services for businesses with less than 30 users/seats/employees

We are happy to service all industries but specialize in the ones below.

Law Firms

We know you deal with a tremendous amount of sensitive information that needs to remain secure. We at Indy’s I.T. Department can provide the peace of mind that your digital data is secure.

Tax Professionals

Taxes are getting trickier by the day with an increase in cyber security requirements. We pride ourselves in assisting enrolled agents and tax professionals maintain NIST compliance.


As a Veteran owned business, Indy’s I.T. Department values the opportunity to help other Veteran owned businesses, especially those just starting out. Need a helping hand?

Check out our Tech for Vets program.

Are you ready to take the next step?

Schedule your complimentary 30 minute discovery call to discuss what solutions would best fit your business’ needs.