Cyber Security

Everywhere we look, there is a risk of harm or damage from attacks that breach our cyber security measures. We arm and prepare ourselves with breach prevention tools, anti-phishing training, dark web searches, the strongest firewall, endpoint security tools with the most outstanding marketing promising safety.

We all do our best to secure our assets using the knowledge we have. The anti-virus software, turning those firewalls “on”, and creating passwords we believe to be secure.

A truly robust security system encompasses more than just what you do on your pc’s in your local environment. Your cyber security program should be appropriate for your type of business and allow you to meet your business objectives.

When is the right time for a cyber security assessment?

You’re wondering if you have gaps in your security measures

You have had a cyber attack

You need to provide proof of your network security for your clients

You need to comply with regulations

TODAY – because you’re ready to implement cyber security as a safety feature for your business

What We Look At for Network and Cyber Security

Network Architecture and Protections

Server Environment

Evaluate Current Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware Software

Physical Security Measures

Workstation Management

Firewall Configurations

Internal Vulnerabilities

Backup and Restoration Recovery Plans

Very few small or medium businesses will agree to the costs of these preventatives. That is, not until they have already been hit with a breach, data loss, or a successful attack. The costs of the prevention is often 1% to 10% of the costs of cleaning up a breach or loss. Everyone wants to be protected, but few are willing to seriously address the matters of cyber security.

From my time in the industry, anti-virus protection, firewalls, other security matters have always been seen as high cost with low return by business owners and decision makers. The concept of good cyber hygiene is not seen as a thought process, but as dollar signs disappearing from the budget. Just like the concepts of car insurance, life insurance, business insurance … until they are needed these products are seen as expenses with no return. Don’t fall into this trap.

Real cyber security is not just a matter of another layer of tools, software and hardware. It is a team sport where all stakeholders need to be sharing, communicating with transparency and open to learn. And once a policy is set, the cyber realm will change and that policy will need to adjust. Adding sufficient security measures to a business is hard work. A willingness to implement new skills, is essential and needs to be held by the entire staff. The people and business culture are critical to successfully securing an environment.

According to the 2021 Cyberthreat Defense Report by the CyberEdge Group, LLC, 50% to 60% of cyber attacks target the small businesses. The businesses that are prepared struggle through lengthy and expensive recovery processes. Those that are not well prepared … few survive the financial and reputations loss, especially if their own actions contribute to the loss.
Changes that are being made in the MSP industry are coming. Safety features on cars are not optional and rolling forward, the I.T. industry will have to start adopting a similar approach to cybersecurity services to our clients.

Are you ready and willing to see cybersecurity as a ‘safety feature’ instead of an expensive option, like leather seats? 

Are you ready to take the next step?

Schedule your complimentary 30 minute discovery call to discuss what solutions would best fit your business’ needs.