by Daniel Curry | Aug 20, 2023 | Microsoft
In today’s digital workplace, printing remains an essential function. This is true for just about all businesses. But keeping up with your print infrastructure can be a time-consuming task. One printer down can mean work comes to a standstill. Another issue is...
by Daniel Curry | May 10, 2023 | New Technology
Customers look for convenience. In today’s world that means technology that makes their life easier. From webforms to POS systems, you need to keep the customer experience in mind in all you do. When people aren’t happy with their experience interacting with a...
by Shawna Barnes | Apr 6, 2023 | Ring Ring
Ring! Ring! Me: I.T. Department, this is Daniel. How can I help you, today? Caller: Hey, Dan! It’s me, Terry. I did it, again! When can you get over here? Me: Refresh my memory, Terry. What did you do, again? Terry: I told Jane and Margot to install...
by Daniel Curry | Dec 15, 2022 | Ring Ring
Ring! Ring! Customer: Thank you for calling Acme. This is Karen. How may I direct your call? Me: Hi, Karen! This is Daniel with Indy’s I.T. Department. Is Terry available? Karen: Oh, Hi Dan! Say, I was just thinking about sending you an e-mail. My...
by Shawna Barnes | Aug 5, 2022 | Ring Ring
Ring! Ring! Me: I.T. Department, this is Daniel. How can I help you, today? Caller: Hey, Dan! It’s me, Terry. Over at Acme. I need your help. Desperately. Me: Hello, Terry. Just a moment, please. I need to check your account status in Quickbooks. Terry:...