by Daniel Curry | Jun 30, 2023 | Cybersecurity
Cloud account takeover has become a major problem for organizations. Think about how much work your company does that requires a username and password. Employees end up having to log into many different systems or cloud apps. Hackers use various methods to get those...
by Shawna Barnes | Apr 6, 2023 | Ring Ring
Ring! Ring! Me: I.T. Department, this is Daniel. How can I help you, today? Caller: Hey, Dan! It’s me, Terry. I did it, again! When can you get over here? Me: Refresh my memory, Terry. What did you do, again? Terry: I told Jane and Margot to install...
by Daniel Curry | Dec 15, 2022 | Ring Ring
Ring! Ring! Customer: Thank you for calling Acme. This is Karen. How may I direct your call? Me: Hi, Karen! This is Daniel with Indy’s I.T. Department. Is Terry available? Karen: Oh, Hi Dan! Say, I was just thinking about sending you an e-mail. My...
by Shawna Barnes | Mar 19, 2020 | Ring Ring
Ring! Ring! Me: IT Department. This is Daniel. Caller: Hey, thanks for answering. What’s your name, again? Me: I’m Daniel. How can I help you? Caller: Uhm yeah. I know it’s late and all, but can I speak with the business owner? I’ve got a real problem...
by Daniel Curry | Jul 30, 2019 | Ring Ring
Ring! Ring! Me: I.T. Department, this is Daniel. Caller: Hi, Daniel. This is Kevin. Have you got a minute to help with a small issue? Me: Sure, Kevin. I have a few minutes. But I DO have a webinar in about 10 minutes. Kevin: Great! I’m trying to upgrade...