by Daniel Curry | Oct 15, 2023 | Cybersecurity
Let’s dive into a topic that might give you the chills—cybersecurity skeletons in the closet. You may not have old skeletons hidden away in the basement. But there’s a good chance of cybersecurity vulnerabilities lurking in the shadows. Just waiting to wreak havoc....
by Daniel Curry | Jun 25, 2023 | Cybersecurity
Passwords are the most used method of authentication, but they are also one of the weakest. Passwords are often easy to guess or steal. Also, many people use the same password across several accounts. This makes them vulnerable to cyber-attacks. The sheer volume of...
by Daniel Curry | Jun 10, 2023 | Cybersecurity
Many people worry about someone hacking their computer. But they’re not really thinking about their wireless printer getting breached. It’s a tool that most individuals use sporadically. For example, when you want to print out tax forms or mailing labels. Printers...
by Daniel Curry | May 31, 2023 | Cybersecurity
The number of apps and web tools that employees use on a regular basis continues to increase. Most departments have about 40-60 different digital tools that they use. 71% of employees feel they use so many apps that it makes work more complex. Many of the apps that we...
by Shawna Barnes | May 22, 2023 | Ring Ring
Ring! Ring! Me: I.T. Department. This is Daniel. How can I help you, today? Caller: Hi. I’ve got this laptop from my employer and I want to be able to log into it. Me: What do you mean? Caller: I have this laptop. My employer gifted it to me, when I was...